Thursday, January 11, 2018

Major 7th Arpeggios

I just enrolled in Geoff Chalmers course, "Double Bass Arpeggios:  the Play Along Collection," at  The first arpeggios to learn are the major 7th chords, and here is a chart of the major 7th chords that I previously created in Excel.  Bass players are advised to know the notes in each key, and know them cold.  Here are those notes:

Geoff's course provides recordings of each arpeggio, played on a piano, to familiarize students with the sound of each.  He also provides staffs of notes for each as well, with notation on which string and finger to use.  This is very helpful.  You can't learn the proper way to play these arpeggios just by looking at the chart above -- you need to use the proper fingers and the proper strings.  Check out for courses and prices.

I am not proficient in using a bow, but I have a French bow and plan to learn. If you are not playing in an orchestra, you may not have much use for a bow.  However, using the bow for practice is highly advisable, as it emphasizes the sound of each note and arpeggio.  I ordered some Pop's Double Bass Rosin from Amazon, and should have it tomorrow.  Geoff's website also has a course in the use of the French bow, and I plan to take that course in a few more weeks.

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